Machine Learning: Making Sense of Big Data of a Smart Building

Artificial intelligence algorithms and machine learning may be coming sooner than you think to a building near you.

by Rita Tatum     09:32:20 29/05/2019

To show how facility managers could benefit from machine learning, Klann uses a commercial office building HVAC and lighting example. Historically, buildings have binary schedules: weekday and weekend or holiday, Klann explains. “But we all know that how we use and load our buildings is more complex than that,” says Klann. “Let’s look at Fridays in the summertime, the day after Thanksgiving, or the day after the Super Bowl. We know our buildings are loaded differently on these days and leveraging historical data we can automatically react to real-life conditions rather than acting as if the day after the Super Bowl was just a regular day in the office.”

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